How to assess a structured cabling specialist (and why you need one)

Integrators may find themselves with a project that requires a structured cabling system but don’t have staff experienced with the design, installation, or testing of the systems. Or building owners and operators are looking to upgrade their building’s IT infrastructure and aren’t sure where to start. A structured cabling system is a smart IT investment. […]

Is your in-building Public Safety Communications compliant?

Failing to comply with any building code means you won’t get your Certificate of
Occupancy (CO). And a delayed CO costs you time and building revenue. But if the error is related to Public Safety
communications, the costs could be even higher than delayed rents.When it comes to life-safety, code officials
do not negotiate. If your building hasn’t been designed with the newest code compliance in mind, you could be looking at expensive renovations to equipment rooms and utility chases. And cutting into freshly finished walls for wireless access points and antennas.

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